I feel like much of the past few months has just been leading up to next Tuesday.
Brady has his evaluation with the Center for Disabilities and Development at the University of Iowa. I am scared and glad at the same time.
I am scared because I know that no matter how prepared I am for us to get a bearing on just what is going on with him it will still be hard to have ANYTHING in black and white stating what is going on with him. Does that even make sense? I think so. to me anyway.
I am a label person. I know this about myself. I like labels because then I know what I am dealing with. You can look back in my life and see that. In many milestones of difficulties there are areas where my need for labels is obvious.
I don't want to label him as a detriment to him.
I don't want to label him so I, or him, can get special attention.
I don't want to label him because of some love of drama.
I don't want to label him and create difficulties in his future.
I don't want to label him so that he gets treated differently.
I want a label so we know what we are dealing with. plain and simple.
I want a label so that I can help my son in whatever way is going to be best for him.
I want a label so that we can continue to figure out the best way to tackle teaching him.
Brady is coming along. Making small steps and some large leaps here and there. I am excited by his progress some days and disappointed, not in him, but by the roadblocks he encounters on other days.
All in all I love my little man with all my heart and I want nothing but the best for him.
I truly believe in my heart of hearts that taking him in and getting an evaluation is the best thing I can do for him.
Once we take this step we can continue to take others and do what is best for him.